Henry William Clark

- Born 2 May 1878, Ōtaki, Kapiti Coast, New Zealand
- Died 24/07/1946
- Last rank Quarter Master Sergeant
- Service number 16/568 and 16/568A
- Served In 2nd Māori Contingent
- Next of Kin Mrs H. Clark (wife), 46 Slater Street, Richmond, Christchurch
- Pre-war occupation Blacksmith, New Zealand Shipping Company
- ReligionChurch of England (Anglican)
- Enlisted29 June 1915, Canterbury
- Embarkationaboard Waitemata, departed 13 November 1915, disembarked Suez, Egypt, 18 December 1915
- Theatres of operationEgyptian 1915-1916, Egyptian E.F. 1916 and Western European 1916-1917-1918-1919
- Periods of service146 days in New Zealand, three years and 338 days overseas in Egypt and Western Europe. Total service of four years and 119 days.
- Returned to New Zealandaboard Port Hacking, 20 August 1919
- Discharged24 October 1919, no longer physically fit for war service, on account of illness contracted on active service.
- Awarded1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, New Zealand Long and Efficient Service Medal, a Colonial Auxiliary Forces Long Service Medal and New Zealand Services Medal