Ernest Henry Archibald Davis

- Born 27 February 1896, Canterbury, New Zealand
- Died 14 September 1941, Invercargill
- Last rank Private/Rifleman
- Service number 17766
- Served In New Zealand Expeditionary Force, Reinforcements H Company, New Zealand Rifle Brigade
- Next of Kin Mrs Letitia Davis (mother), North Invercargill
- Pre-war occupation Bacon Curer, Lindsay and Co.
- ReligionChurch of England (Anglican)
- Enlisted6 April 1916
- Embarkationaboard HMNZT 75 Waitemata, departed 19 January 1917, disembarked Plymouth, Devon, England, 27 March 1917
- Theatres of operationWestern European 1917.
- Periods of serviceTwo years 241 days in New Zealand, one year and 147 days overseas in Western Europe. Total service of four years and 23 days.
- Returned to New Zealandfrom Liverpool aboard Ulimaroa, 1 May 1918
- Discharged28 April 1920, no longer physically fit for war service, on account of illness (tuberculosis) contracted while on active service.
- AwardedBritish War Medal and Victory Medal
Profile photo credit: Ken Allan via The Onward Project