Ernest John Flutey

- Born 5 March 1895, Kaiapoi, Canterbury, New Zealand
- Died 24 January 1984, Christchurch
- Last rank Private/Rifleman
- Service number 25/319
- Served In 3rd Battalion, C Company, New Zealand Rifle Brigade
- Next of Kin Mr C.J. Flutey (father), Richmond, Christchurch, New Zealand
- Pre-war occupation Labourer, Maddrens Rope Works, Christchurch
- ReligionChurch of England (Anglican)
- Enlisted12 October 1915
- Embarkationaboard HMNZT 43 Mokoia, departed 15 February 1916, disembarked Suez, Egypt
- Theatres of operationEgyptian E.F. 1916 and Western European 1916
- Periods of service144 days in New Zealand and 339 days overseas in Egypt and Western Europe. Total service of one year and 117 days.
- Returned to New Zealandaboard Rotorua, 8 January 1917
- Discharged5 February 1917, no longer physically fit for war service, on account of multiple wounds received in action.
- AwardedBritish War Medal and Victory Medal
Profile photo credit: Weekly Press 12 July 1916 via The Onward Project