Donald Huntley

- Born 5 July 1889, Blackwood Bay, Queen Charlotte Sound, Marlborough, New Zealand
- Died 22 June 1945, Picton, New Zealand
- Last rank Private
- Service number 6/1577
- Served In 3rd Reinforcements, Canterbury Infantry Regiment, C Company
- Next of Kin Mr William Huntly (father), Picton or Mrs N. Forbes (sister), Picton
- Pre-war occupation Labourer with J. Jackson, Te Awaiti
- ReligionRoman Catholic
- Enlisted15 December 1914
- Embarkationaboard HMNZT 17, Maunganui, departed 14 February 1915, Wellington, disembarked 26 March 1915, Suez, Egypt
- Theatres of operationGallipoli 1915, Egyptian 1915-1916, Egyptian E.F. 1916 and Western European 1916-1917-1918
- Periods of service90 days in New Zealand and four years 75 days overseas Egypt, Gallipoli and Western Europe. Total service of four years and 165 days
- Returned to New Zealandaboard Raranga, 24 April 1919
- Discharged28 May 1919, on termination of period of engagement
- AwardedBritish War Medal, Victory Medal and 1914-15 Star
*also known as Donald Huntley