Akhuata Te Naihi (Augustus) Katau

- Born 27 August 1893 at Bruce Bay, Westland, New Zealand
- Died 10 June 1924, Hokitika
- Last rank Private
- Service number 19543
- Served In Māori Contingent, 14th Reinforcements, New Zealand Expeditionary Force
- Next of Kin Te Naihi Katau (father), Bruce Bay, South Westland, Mrs Hemi Te Naihi (Katau), Bruce Bay
- Pre-war occupation Labourer
- ReligionChurch of England (Anglican)
- Enlisted27 October 1916
- Embarkationaboard HMNZT 76, Aparima, departed 16 February 1917, disembarked 2 May 1917, Plymouth, Devon, England
- Theatres of operationWestern Europe 1917-18
- Periods of service208 days in New Zealand and one year 117 days overseas in Western Europe. Total service of one year and 325 days
- Discharged24 September 1918, no longer physically fit for war service, on account of illness (tuberculosis) contracted on active service.
- AwardedBritish War Medal and Victory Medal