Henry Bryan Tamehana Kenny

- Born 23 March 1894, Queen Charlotte Sound, Picton, Marlborough
- Died 24 May 1927, Wellington
- Last rank Private
- Service number 6/275
- Served In Canterbury Infantry Regiment
- Next of Kin Kura Kenny (mother), Johnsonville, Wellington
- Pre-war occupation Engineer, HM Francis Engineering, Picton
- ReligionPresbyterian
- Enlisted15 August 1914
- Embarkationaboard HMNZT 04 Tahiti, departed 16 October 1914, Wellington, disembarked November 1914, Egypt
- Theatres of operationEgyptian 1914-1915 and Gallipoli 1915
- Periods of service193 days in New Zealand, two years and 7 days overseas at Egypt, Balkan, Gallipoli. Total service of two years and 200 days
- Returned to New Zealandaboard Marama, 22 October 1916
- Discharged2 March 1917 (no longer physically fit for war service on account of wounds received in action)
- Awarded1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal