Francis Henry Laming

- Born 9 November 1891, Kaiapoi, North Canterbury, New Zealand
- Died 17 September 1939, Auckland
- Last rank Private
- Service number 12/400
- Served In New Zealand Expeditionary Force, Hauraki regiment
- Next of Kin Mrs. G. H. Miller (mother), Exeter Street, Lyttelton
- Pre-war occupation Labourer, V. Young of Hikutaia, Coromandel
- ReligionPresbyterian
- Enlisted13 August 1914, Auckland
- Embarkationdeparted 16 October 1914, Wellington
- Theatres of operationEgyptian 1914-1915-1916. Egyptian E.F. 1916, Balkan, Gallipoli 1915 and Western European 1916-1917
- Periods of service92 days in New Zealand and four years 257 days overseas in Egypt, the Balkans and Western Europe. Total service of four years and 349 days
- Returned to New Zealandaboard S.S. Prinzessin, 14 May 1919
- Discharged28 July 1919, on termination of period of engagement
- Awarded1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal
Profile photo credit: Canterbury Times 22 November 1916 via The Onward Project