Wiremu (William) Kaehau (Kaihau) Maopo

- Born 17 March 1887
- Died 12 July 1929, Christchurch
- Last rank Lance Corporal
- Service number 16/658
- Served In 2nd Māori Contingent, New Zealand Pioneer (Māori) Battalion
- Next of Kin Aterea Maopo, Taumutu, Southbridge, Canterbury
- Pre-war occupation Farmer
- ReligionWesleyan
- Enlisted29 June 1915, Canterbury
- Embarkationaboard HMNZT 29, Waitemata, departed 18 September 1915, Wellington, disembarked 26 October 1915, Suez, Egypt
- Theatres of operationEgyptian 1915-1916, Egyptian E.F. 1916 and Western European 1916-1917-1918
- Periods of service63 days in New Zealand and three years 34 days overseas in Egypt and Western Europe. Total service of three years and 147 days
- Returned to New Zealandaboard Marama, 24 September 1918
- Discharged22 November 1918, no longer physically fit for war service due to illness contracted on active service
- Awarded1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal
*whānau memoir