Robert William Tipene

- Born 7 March 1890, Ōtākou
- Died 25 April 1968, Invercargill
- Last rank Private
- Service number 16011
- Served In New Zealand Expeditionary Force
- Next of Kin Mrs Sarah Mary Tipene nee Cross (wife), c/- Mrs G Skerrett, Bluff
- Pre-war occupation Labourer, Bluff Waterside Workers
- Enlisted9 March 1916
- Embarkationaboard Maunganui, departed 26 June 1916, Wellington, disembarked 22 August 1916, Devonport, England.
- Theatres of operationWestern European 1916-1919.
- Periods of service137 days in New Zealand and two years 288 days overseas. Total service of three years 60 days
- Returned to New Zealandaboard S.S. Westmoreland, 28 February 1919
- Discharged7 May 1919, on termination of period of engagement
- AwardedBritish War Medal and Victory Medal
Last known address, Bluff, Southland.
Attended three years, Te Aute College Cadets.